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Distribution of certificate for certified Sochatim

After 2700 years of exile the Benei Menashe one of the lost tribe of Israel merit to return to their ancestral land but experiencing the long hardship of exile they  nearly  lost their true identity but around 1960 with  Bible in their possession  a number of notable researchers among the Chin-Kuki-Mizo-Zomi people have written about the origin theory of Menashe, in which they   claimed that they belong to the ten tribes of Israel particularly from the Tribe of Menashe, since the name Manmasi appear numerously in the traditional folktales and in the priestly chants of the old religion.

We must understand that, as it is painful for the Jewish people to experience the bitterness of exile, so also it is painful for God as well. If their exile is painful for God, why then did He exiled them? The simple answer is for cleansing their sins.

Therefore after returning to our holy land every Jews need to strengthen the value of Jewish life that is observance of Torah law, One of the basic principles of Jewish day to day life is based on Kashruth, for Kashruth give the Jewish people to ascend spiritually and physically, and it also distinguish them from the nations of the world, by observing Kashruth the Jewish people add holiness, as it is said “Be holy for the L-rd your G-d is holy”.

In Sderoth the Amutat Shivtei Menashe (Organization) with  "Machon Keter Halakha" open a crash course on Sekhita, which was possible with the financial help of Misrad Aliyah ve klita and Municipality of Sderoth.

On Tuesday 14.02.2023 the community of Benei Menashe in Sderoth witness the distribution of certificate for Sochatim, the event was a historic moment for children of Menashe because anyone who find difficulty in understanding because of their lack of Hebrew language they learnt the course in Kuki with the pamplets translated by Rabbi David Lhungdim and the course was held in their synagogue "Alfei Menashe" the first synagogue established by Benei Menashe in Israel on  Rosh Khodesh Adar 2015.

Rabbi David Lhungdim Shlita Rabbi of the community of Benei Menashe in Sderoth and Rabbi David Amar Shlita Manager of  "Machon Keter Halakha" were determined to open the course in various parts of Israel where Benei Menashe Settle, and moreover they had the passion to open more course for Benei Menashe such as Masgiakh Kashruth (supervisor of Kashruth), Sofer Stam and course Mohel.

Among twelve of the Benei Menashe who participate in the course, ten pass their examination in written, while two did their exam in oral, their teacher Harav Yosef Dadi Shlita was impressed by the enthusiasm and determination he saw in his student and he said this is the first time in my life-time I merit to teach a group of our brothers Benei Menashe one of the ten lost tribe of Israel.

Important guests who participated in the event of the distribution of certificate were the Chief Rabbi of Sderoth Harav Dror Tawil Shlita and Mayor of Sderoth Alon Davidi.

Our gratitude goes to Agaf Ha Klita in Sderoth, we applaude the help of our Mayor Alon Davidi,  Deputy Mayor of Sderoth Khava Nakhshanov, Manager of Agaf Ha Klita Renata Shelomov and Yigal Baniuk from Mishrad Ha Klita Sderoth, and Polina Yoetzet Ha Klita in southern district of Israel.

The Shivtei Menashe Community in Sderoth proclaim our gratitude to the Ministry of Misrad Ha Aliyah ve Klita (Ministry of Aliyah absorption and immigration) for it is their generous help which give the community members the opportunity to learn this course.

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With chief Rabbi of Sderoth Harav Dror Tawil Shlita.

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Distribution of certificate, sitting from left to right Rabbi David Lhungdim, Alon Davidi Mayor of Sderoth, Harav Yosef Dadi and Harav David Amar manager of Keter halakha.

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©2025 by Shivtei Menashe. 


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